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Integrity ONE Program-Round 4​ (July 7- Aug 27)


  • Warm Season lawns (Bermuda and/or Zoysia Turf) received an all liquid application which consisted of a Nitrogen Fertilizer and Iron to help continue healthy growth and color.  A post emergent was also sprayed to eliminate weeds that are currently present in your lawn.  Please remember that as temperatures increase you may see some slight yellowing of your warm season grass in areas where we spot spray for specific troublesome weeds. These particular weeds require a special product and because of its strong nature can cause a slight but very temporary burn. If you see this, please feel comforted, as we are doing our job with effectiveness, and please remain patient, as it is temporary.
  • These products require NO action on your part, so you can just sit back and enjoy the results.
  • Cool Season lawns (Fescue) received an all liquid application which consisted of Iron and essential Micro Nutrients to help ease the stress of your Fescue grass as the temperatures continue to rise.  These products will be absorbed by the top growth and roots to provide color and essential nutrients that may be all "used up" in your soil.  A post emergent was also sprayed to eliminate weeds that are currently in your lawn. 
  • These products require NO action on your part, so you can just sit back and enjoy the results.
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